Receiving Encrypted Email

[TOKEN:Push Technology & opening_296]

For more information on using this product, see Receiving a Push Encrypted Email.

If the email has an Open Message button, the message was sent using Pull technology and look like the following:

For more information on using this product, see Receiving a Pull Encrypted Email.

Receiving a Push Encrypted Email

When we send you an encrypted email message, you receive a notification email in your Inbox with a SecureMessage.html attachment, along with instructions on how to open the message.

You must go through a one-time registration process.

After registering, select Return to Message to sign in and view the message and reply to the sender.

Receiving a Pull Encrypted Email                                                                    

When we send you an encrypted message, you receive a notification email with instructions on how to open the message. The notification message arrives in your email Inbox. You select Open Message in the notification to go to the Secure Message Center and view your email.

You must go through a one-time registration process.

After you register and sign in, your message opens and you can view the message details and reply.